Do you want to have dinner with James Hetfield (Metallica) for charity?

Do you want to have dinner with? James Hetfieldvocalist and guitarist of Metallicaon a charity date? The bad news is that the bidding is currently at around $33,000 and you’ll be the one footing the bill for dinner.

James Hetfield, known for being the vocalist and rhythm guitarist of Metallica, has joined forces with the Adaptive Sports Foundationa charity that aims to introduce people with physical or cognitive disabilities to the world of sport. To this end, the foundation has launched a bid to dine with Hetfield at Edwards in Denver (Colorado, United States).

You can bid until August 21 for the chance to dine with Hetfield along with an athlete from the association and a member of the staff. But the bad news is that the bidding is already at $33,500 and rising. On top of that, you’ll be footing the bill for the dinner, and you can bring up to three more friends.

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