Bruce Springsteen stops at Jersey Shore hot dog spot to grab 60 ‘to go’

Turns out even Bruce Springsteen can crave a good Jersey Shore hot dog every once in a while. Or five dozen.

The Boss did his best impression of a regular guy Saturday afternoon when he visited Max’s Bar and Grill in Long Branch to pick up a to-go order.

“He came in, and the hostess was young and didn’t know who he was,” said Mary Kate Schiller, the bar manager who was entering an order into the computer when asked to help the next customer.

“I was like oh, hello,” Schiller said. “And I tried hard, I tried really, really hard, to treat him like a normal guy.”

She felt flustered when the normal guy needed her to do some quick calculations as he ordered five dozen dogs — uncooked — presumably to take to a gathering.

“They come in packs of eight and I’m horrible at math,” Schiller recalled thinking.

She packed up Springsteen’s order, which included buns, sauerkraut, and the spicy red relish the place is known for, then rang up his credit card.

“I said, ‘Sir, my parents will be so mad at me if I don’t get a picture of you,’ and he was gracious,” said Schiller, who describes herself as a fan. She was at one of Springsteen’s concerts with her family last September.

“He looks the same from the last row in Met Life stadium as he does in person,” she said.

She said Springsteen usually stays longer at the restaurant. He had mentioned it by name on a radio broadcast in the early days of the pandemic, as a shore joint he missed during lockdown. He is shown in one of the restaurant’s Instagram posts enjoying his favorite version, the restaurant’s “Classic” hotdog.

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