Metallica’s James Hetfield ‘OK’ After Amsterdam Show Fall

“Yes, I’m ok. My ego, not so much,” Hetfield said onstage after fall

Metallica‘s James Hetfield fell into an open trap door during a performance of “Now That We’re Dead” in Amsterdam on Monday night. “Is everybody ok?” Hefield asked the crowd after falling over. “Yes, I’m ok. My ego, not so much. But we’re fine. Hurt my feelings a little bit.”

A representative for Metallica and Hetfield has not responded to Rolling Stone‘s request for comment.

Hetfield tripped on one of four openings that allowed tables of percussion to be lifted onto the stage from below. Fans captured footage of the fall on their phones; one angle from slightly above the stage shows that the trap doors opened only moments before the singer’s tumble.

He clambered out of the trench with help from crew members and continued playing, planting one foot on the drum riser and squeezing a few more riffs out of his guitar. Not long after, the percussion tables emerged from beneath the stage as planned and Metallica started bashing away at them.

When Metallica toured North America this summer – their first substantive U.S. jaunt in eight years – they brought their largest stage production ever: transporting 83 laser fixtures and close to 40,000 speakers in 48 trucks.

“Full stadium runs can sometimes be a little intimidating,” drummer Lars Ulrich told Rolling Stone. “There’s all these things to worry about like, ‘You should really try to play maybe only on the weekend,’ and, ‘Where do you play on Tuesday?’ and some of those practicalities can get a little bewildering. We just threw caution to the wind.”

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The band continues to perform in European arenas in September, October and November. After a holiday break, they return to Europe for more shows in February, March, April and May.

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